Weihnachtliche Einstimmung mit „A Christmas Carol“
“A Christmas Carol“ by Charles Dickens
On December 14, 2022 all 8th classes went to the theatre as every year to watch the performance of “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens.
The act started off with “Charles Dickens” introducing himself and the characters briefly. In fact, there were only six (!) actors for the entire theatre play, so they often had to change clothes for every single character. The novel itself has already been transformed into several movies, but since the story now was presented live on stage, other special effects had to be employed, for example a special (!) entry door to Ebenezer’s house and the ghosts travelling to various places.
In the first scene we realized how much Ebenezer Scrooge truly hates Christmas, by refusing to give money to the poor and to join his nephew’s Christmas dinner. After that we saw him arrive at his house where strange things happen. Suddenly the ghost of his dead partner, Marley, shows up and warns him that if he doesn’t change his path, he is going to die and that he will be visited by 3 ghosts later that night, the ghost of Christmas Past, the ghost of Christmas Present and the ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. Ebenezer doesn’t believe that at first but when the clock strikes midnight the first ghost comes.
The ghost of Christmas Past shows Ebenezer his nice past when he liked Christmas but also the mistake he made by leaving his girl-friend, which makes Ebenezer regret his decisions. Later on, the ghost of Christmas Present appears and shows him how poor people, including his clerk Bob Cratchit and his family, suffer. It is also revealed to him that Bob’s son, Tiny Tim, is very ill and will die if he doesn’t get the treatment he needs. This makes Ebenezer think of how he treats other people. Finally, the last ghost arrives, the ghost of Christmas Future, who is the strangest one of all. He doesn’t speak but shows Ebenezer his future. In this vision Ebenezer sees himself dead, robbed by poor people. Ebenezer is terrified!
As soon as he wakes up, he starts to change his attitude, by buying a huge turkey and sending it to the Cratchit family. He also joins his nephew for family dinner. At the end Ebenezer Scrooge became a good man.
I definitely enjoyed the performance. It really was fun! I personally think it was very impressive how fast the actors changed their costumes and I also found it creative that the author himself took part in his own performance.
In general, it was a very nice experience and a good show.
Vorführung des Profilkurses „Englisches Theater“
Im Theaterraum der Schule fand heute, den 13. Dezember 2022, eine Theatervorführung des Profilkurses „Englisches Theater” statt, wobei der Profilkurs „Audio- und Videotechnik” diese mit Licht und Ton unterstützte. Das Theaterstück entsprach dem bekannten Werk „A Christmas Carol” von Charles Dickens, wobei die Schülerinnen und Schüler eigene Ideen hinzufügten.
Unter der Leitung von Herrn Siegl studierte der Profilkurs ihre Version des Theaterstücks bereits seit den Oktoberferien ein. Insgesamt trugen drei verschiedene Gruppen ihre eigene Version des Stücks auf, wobei besonders die Unterschiede in der Interpretation zwischen den Gruppen aufgefallen sind, man aber trotzdem einzelne Grundaspekte wiedererkennen konnte.

Was mir persönlich sehr positiv bei den Gruppen aufgefallen ist, war die Art und Weise wie das Werk vorgestellt wurde. Es wurde sehr flüssig und fast fehlerfrei vorgeführt. Und das in englischer Sprache. Interessant zu beobachten war die Verschmelzung von modern und altmodisch. Während die Kostüme eher altmodisch waren z.B. Kleider, Arbeitskleidung und Zylinder, war die Art und Weise, wie das Stück vorgeführt wurde, sehr modern, indem viele teilweise überspitzte Emotionen verwendet wurden oder auch ein Part mit eingebracht wurde, in welchem moderne Rap-Musik abgespielt worden ist.
Insgesamt ist es allen Gruppen sehr gut gelungen, das Stück zu präsentieren und uns auf die Weihnachtszeit einzustimmen.
Merry Christmas wünscht Lukas